Let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.


A virtual walk,run,ride to celebrate the importance of “LOVE”. Love can be in any form be it a Pet Love, Parental Love, Cousin Love, Sibling Love, Friends Love, Couple’s Love etc.

Every relation requires Love in it to propagate.

So Lets show some love towards our Motherland  ( INDIA ) & towards “FITNESS” n ” HEALTH” . As because We all know – “Health Is Wealth”.


Minimum 2 kms, No Upper limits. Your Desired Distance. Decide Your Own Distance


** Solo 

** Partner

*** Group

*** Family


1. Run inside your home or outside as per your convenience and government guidelines on & from 7th of February 2021 till 14th of February 2021.

***To get qualified for the event Participants have to Walk, Run, Ride on all these days from 7th February till 14th February, 2021.

2. Run with App / Watch to track your run and submit data with proof on the link.

3. Data can be submitted in Whatsapp or to the link that will be provided after the event gets over.

4. Data submission is MANDATORY for all the 8 separate days (Strictly No Exception allowed)

5. Once you finish your run, you have to click a screenshot of the app you are using to calculate your distance. You need to submit this screenshot as a proof of distance you covered on the WhatsApp number provided.

6. You can use any App Garmin, Strava, RunKeeper, Nike running, Runtastic or whichever app you are using for running on your mobile.





E- Certificates

Customized social media posts



Tickets are non-refundable & non-transferable.

Takeaways (Medal, Certificates, E certificate,) will be delivered according to your selected ticket only.

The E-Certificate will be sent to you within the first week of the virtual run.

Due to the pandemic situation delivery services are taking time so please be patient. The medal & Certificates for paid category will be delivered to you within 30 – 40 Days of the run.